CIM Cávado
ROBOTIC4HUMANS PROJECT for CIM Cávado is an opportunity to deepen this work in network, contributing to the definition of the intermunicipal educational strategy strategy, in line with the Education and Training 2030 initiative which foresees, as described above, the need to define priorities for education and training.
At the Cávado level, this project integrates the schools ES Carlos Amarante - Braga (responsible for running the specific activities involving schools) and CIM Cávado (responsible for organisation and/or co-organisation of activities, communication and dissemination of project results) , thus creating synergies at the territory level.
This project will allow a widening of the results and, we believe, it will be a decisive step towards the creation of an creation of an "Erasmus culture" (mobility, sharing of know-how experiences, European connection) inter-municipal.